
Online Presentations

Page history last edited by waltatek@gmail.com 13 years, 3 months ago

A number of people who were unable to present at the Education ICT Summit on the 17th October have submitted their thoughts and presentation digitally.


Feel free to add your own presentation...


Theo Kuechel - Digital Content for Learning



John Johnston - Design


Small Things - The importance of design (click to listen to on EduTalk)


A transcript of Johns talk is also available here.



Richard Nealsson - Using social media in education

In this audioboo, I suggest that children are not the experts in the use of technology and that as teachers, we should be able to become sufficiently digitally literate to enable its effective use in support of our teaching practice, grounded as it should be in the pedagogy and theories of education....

Using social media in education (mp3)


Richard Nealsson - Parental engagement

A short observation that until and unless parents engage with their own children: educating them so that they may take full advantage of their schooling, then any engagement in this or that education initiative is going to be irrelevant.



Walter Patterson - my 3 minute presentation on the value of peer coaching





Teachers supporting teachers promotes dialogues about learning and teaching in non-judgmental and supportive contexts and leads to improved classroom experiences for learners as well as building teacher self-confidence in deploying technology.


Comments (1)

Ian King said

at 10:46 am on Oct 17, 2011

Predictably, several of these presentations are blocked by our Local Authority. :-(

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