
Links, References and Resources

Page history last edited by olliebray@... 13 years, 4 months ago

This page has been locked and the contents passed to the Scottish Government for analysis. Thank you for all your contributions.


With a project of this nature it is always useful to identify references, resources and links to content which may help to develop thinking.  Please list below any you feel may be appropriate.



ICT needs to be on 'play' not 'pause' in the education strategy, Bruce Robertson (@brucerobertson7), Times Education Supplement Scotland (September 2011)

A Supercomputer in Every Backpack, Fraser Speirs (@fraserspeirs), August 28th - contains results of FOI survey on Pupil:Computer ratio by LA.

Pedagogy And Ict Use In Schools Around The World: Findings From The Iea Sites 2006 Study(Presentation) - Book link






Young People: Use of ICT

Teen Digital Life in Ireland (April 2011)

Key Data on Learning and Innovation through ICT at School In Europe 2011


Mobile Technologies

Apple - Learning with Apps

Android in the Classroom (November 2010)


Cloud/Online Services and Tools

Google Apps for Education - Overview (2010)

Google Apps for Education - A Closer Look (FAQ) (2010)

Google Apps Education Edition: communication, collaboration, and security in the cloud (2009)

Microsoft White Paper: Counting the Hidden Costs of Google Apps (2011)

Microsoft Education White Paper - Baby steps into the Cloud (December 2010)


Network Infrastructure

South Korea - Broadband for Schools and Rural Areas (2010)

London Grid for Learning - The London Managed Learning Environment


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