Objective 4: Deepen parental engagement
Benefits: an increase in the amount of communication between schools and homes, relating to learners achievements; increased involvement of parents in their child’s learning through greater access to opportunities; increased digital literacy amongst parents.
What do we need to do:
- Encourage schools to take small steps – email communications, publish calendars online, develop school websites.
- Provide online learning opportunities for parents (particularly Internet safety).
- Encourage the social use of technology – sharing pupil work and achievements on Facebook / Twitter / Flickr / YouTube / Google+ etc.
- ????
How will we do this:
- For primary and earl;y years secondary where schools have clear duty of care this could be major hurdle without some national or local authority infrastructure - even a lot suggested cloud platforms are cautious about age of their users
- Need models of good practice to encourage schools to open up to parents ( this is actually more than simply a technological issue is fundamentally a service/relationship confidence issue ) .
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