Objective One - Culture
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by olliebray@... 13 years, 4 months ago
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Objective 1: Change the culture of the use of ICT
Update: The Cabinet Secretary has expanded on this objective and set the context in a post on Engage for Education.
Expected Benefits: to more closely align the use of ICT in schools with its use outside of schools; to reduce the cost of centrally procured and managed services; to deliver efficiencies at local level by greater use of technology solutions.
What do we need to do:
- Promote technology that is easy to use, cutting edge and free.
- Bridge the gap between home, school and community by helping spread existing online behaviours (search, share, comment, ‘like’, ‘friend’)
- Encourage responsible approaches to using technology
- Engage the learning community by promoting activity that is seen to be valuable – for example behaviours, learning opportunities, and resources.
- Promote the sharing of professionally developed and user-generated materials across a variety of social media channels, putting Scotland back on the map as leaders in this field.
- All access to anytime, anywhere, any device learning which uses bridges the space between home and school for learners.
Operate school networks separately from local authority corporate networks. The latter interconnect with government secure networks, subject to restrictive conditions set out in a Code of Connection. When applied to school networks, these can lead to a risk-averse culture of security compliance and aversion to change which is at odds with school needs.
How will we do this:
Have a robust and upgradeable network backbone that reaches into every school in Scotland
Have a basic standard for ICT competence in classroom - re-enforced by GTC , Teacher Training Institutions, HMIE ( Education Scotland) , SQA ( perhaps through appointee network and where necessary qualifications)
Work with BBC and other external agencies to promote digital literacy across Scottish society
Have a national learning content repository that supports open educational resources - deposit and access and serves to as distribution mechanism for any closed national content agreements with public or private sectors.
Link and learn from other sectors Higher Education , Further Education and Work-based learning - for learners this is a life long learning issue not a school one.
Develop a single national cloud based service for data, removing our dependence on local systems.
Change the culture of control and "policing of the Internet" within local authorities and schools by removing filters and blocks on Internet access, enabling open WiFi and internet access for all members of the school community and by developing a culture of responsible use.
Through blogs, other web-based tools and the new version of Glow develop a system of sharing educators' ideas and practices, especially for technology use. These ideas should include interesting local and international examples.
Make sure that practitioners have opportunities to regularly take part in on-line CPD. These opportunities should include how technology can enhance learning, teaching, planning and productivity.
Any new version of Glow should embrace and endorse existing on-line professional communities of practice such as EduBuzz, CompEdNet and Sputnik. The future version of Glow should also include on-line communities for those in formal or informal leadership roles. On-line communities should be developed for learners as well as teaching staff.
The Scottish Government should produce clear guidelines for any publicly funded website to ensure that all public web space is interoperable (eg: GTCS site talks to the SQA site and the SQA site talks to Education Scotland etc.).
Government funded education-related websites should lead by example and include tools for collaboration, peer recommendation and sharing (eg: Like on Facebook, and Google Plus)
Scottish Education needs to regularly gather data on how young people are using emerging technologies in their day-to-day lives. This research can help inform changes to practice and future investment. Data could be gathered in partnership with universities, Young Scot and Ofcom.
Many school leaders still need to understand the importance of technology for learning, teaching and productivity. We need to develop communication channels to make sure that school leaders are aware of the potential benefits from a changed culture, for example including opening up networks, filtering, the use of student owned devices and use in emerging areas of pedagogy.
Key Scottish education messages should be communicated through modern internet-based communication channels as well as traditional methods. This will help ensure a wide audience. These channels should include Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Objective One - Culture
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Comments (Show all 52)
olliebray@... said
at 12:26 pm on Sep 10, 2011
Thanks Maggie!
Susan lister said
at 2:26 pm on Sep 10, 2011
I agree with Brendan we should be using what is already available (and free!).
The web 2atolls are all already out there. Additionally most pupils have a mobile device of some sort and instead of harnessing this we ban them. In the current climate we cannot afford to continue this way, the culture does need to change and it needs to be led from the top.
hstar said
at 10:25 am on Sep 15, 2011
I agree with Brendan too, the technology is there. If you are a teacher it is your responsibility to learn and keep up-to-date with technologies that will help in the learning and teaching of our pupils.
Gerry Boyle said
at 11:59 am on Sep 16, 2011
I'm with Maggie - ICT is a tool - an aid to performing tasks and a means of learning. There are some skills needed, but we seem to have managed to get ourselves stuck in a mini miasma of ICT skills. The skills will change remarkably rapidly. Let's face it who needs to know 79 different ways to use Powerpoint.
As far as being teacher led.... maybe we need to learn from the experience of the last 30 or so years that show how few ICT skills children learned from schools and teachers. However, that does not mean that class teachers don't need support to help them use the available options at their disposal. As a primary teacher I have colleagues who would laugh at my music skills, but can help me use the bits I'm comfortable with. I can do the same with them for some ICT.... I'd like to think I'm still learning.
David Gilmour said
at 10:38 pm on Sep 16, 2011
The reason US companies like Facebook have a base age limit of 13 is because of US Children's On-line Privacy Protection (COPPA) legislation. http://www.coppa.org/comply.htm This imposes restrictions on the operators of sites for under 13s aimed at preventing them collecting children's personal information (such as names and email addresses) without first obtaining verifiable parental consent. It would appear that many sites prefer to opt out of offering the service to under 13s to avoid this overhead. It does not follow that the sites themselves are necessarily unsuitable for use by children.
Gill Corden said
at 11:51 am on Sep 18, 2011
Maggie said it all. ICT is like a pencil: sometimes it is the appropriate tool; sometimes it is not. De-mystify, allow access to hardware and appropriate on-line resources, and enjoy letting the young people teach you how to use ICT more creatively. And teachers should be allowed the professional responsibility of deciding what is appropriate, not LAs. Just stop being scared of it...(that is directed at LAs!).
Fiona Johnson said
at 12:05 pm on Sep 18, 2011
Totally with Maggie! Still too many people afraid of technology, but that can also be an excuse for just being lazy and not bothering to engage. Some very negative attitudes out there and as a result children are being denied access to tools in the classroom that they are constantly using at home. Used to be that the schools had the computers and very few were at home. That's totally changed now and children are accessing communication tools of various types at home and have a multitude of skills that are just not being seen in the classrooms. Schools need to engage with the world we live in - there is no way back and if we don't then children are going to become even more disengaged with learning.
Jaye Richards-Hill said
at 12:37 pm on Sep 19, 2011
we need to change the culture of the secondary mindset to more closely align with that of the primary sector. When we stop defining ourselves as subject specialists and start to define ourselves by our profession, ie. teachers, we can shift to a mindset which embraces pedagogy and even a heutagogy which focuses on learning and how to learn rather than the subject content. The content is not king, rather the learning approaches which have to take precedence. Then we can move onto a pedagogical focus common to all areas of the curriculum, technology for learning. The goal would be to effect cultural shift towards a learning environment where use of technology is the norm, rather than the exception.
Jaye Richards-Hill said
at 12:39 pm on Sep 19, 2011
Compulsory modules during PGDE/BEd teacher training in use of technology to enhance learning. Existing teachers encouraged to undertake CPD including professional recognition from the GTCS ( I found this a very usefu exercisel in helping me to gain some perspective and focus on the use of technology for learning, rather than just the technology). Much more focussed annual CPD review meetings between faculty heads and teachers to match CPD in using technologies for learning to those staff who need such help.
SBurton said
at 1:57 pm on Sep 19, 2011
I definitely agree with this comment. I went to visit a University to do some Glow training, they were 4th year students and had never heard about Glow. The students were amazed by all the opportunities it offered them for learning and teaching. ICT and Technologies for Learning need to be embedded within their teacher training courses. I also think it helpes when teachers in schools and clusters share their 'expertise' in using technologies for learning with their colleagues. So many teachers use ICT effectively for learning and teaching and this needs to be shared. For me it's the learning and teaching that is important, the tools will always continue to change.
Diarmid Harris said
at 6:08 pm on Sep 19, 2011
A lot of teachers in primary and secondaries still view ICT as an 'extra' and not really core to how we perform our duties. If other industries and professions held this mindset they'd be ridiculed, bankrupt or extinct! Imagine a surgeon who didn't access MRI.
Alison Stewart said
at 2:59 pm on Sep 27, 2011
This is true for the early years too and in this age of 'Documentation' and 'Making childrens learning visible' we need to ensure that our staff are equipped to do what they need to do without 'copying and pasting' using paper and glue! I recommend http://ALISON.com to anyone wanting to develop their ICT skills; it is a free online learning resource. "The mission of ALISON is to enable anyone, anywhere, to educate themselves for free via interactive, self-paced multimedia".
Sandra O'Neill said
at 5:35 pm on Sep 20, 2011
I have been trying to keep up with all the comments being added in all the different areas to see if anyone else is aware of the essential use of ICT is for pupils with additional support needs.
For some pupils access to the curriculum is impossible without ICT and/or they may have no means of communicating without ICT. The availability of both male and female Scottish voices which have been funded by the Scottish Government is just one instance where pupils can make use of ICT to support their learning and/or communication. These same pupils needed to have Glow made accessible but text to speech was never added - despite being aware of the need for this since before it went online. Pupils with physical difficulties also need access and in many cases Glow was a closed book. And speaking of closed books, without ICT many pupils would not be able to access the text books used by their classmates (see www.booksforall.org.uk) or be able to sit exams independently (www.adapteddigitalexams.org.uk). To be able to make use of what is available schools/authorities need to ensure that the requisite software and equipment is available to allow equal accessibility to all pupils and that staff have the time and the skills to use it and create the necessary resources. Maybe this comment should also be in Area 2 - Confidence and Area 3 - New Practice!
Drew Burrett said
at 9:23 pm on Sep 20, 2011
Maybe ICT should be raised to the same status as Literacy, Numeracy and Health & Wellbeing. It could be argued it encompasses parts of all three. Integrating ICT across the whole curriculum, instead of perpetuating its current status as an 'extra' would improve skills and confidence in both teachers and learners and potentially aid development of literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing.
How much priority is given to the role of ICT co-ordinator in schools? Is it as much as that of Literacy, Numeracy and Health & Wellbeing co-ordinators? Is the role filled by a recognised expert on the staff, or it is included in the remit of an member of the leadership/management team? How much time is given over to developing whole school approaches to using and developing ICT ?
Douglas Chappelle said
at 10:22 pm on Sep 20, 2011
Way back when I started as a computing teacher I envisaged a time when I would become part of the support for learning team in the school. I idealistically thought that the technology would quickly permeate the whole school experience. That was 21 years ago. I think the need for this type of role is still there. Perhaps it's what ICT co-ordinators should be but way too many schools that is title given to the person who logs support calls, not the person who drives adoption of emerging technologies.
Maggie Irving said
at 12:47 pm on Sep 21, 2011
You have actually got to to heart of the matter Drew. CfE should have included Digital Literacy as a 'responsibility of all', a missed opportunity IMHO. This, in the first instance, would give pupils the opportunity to have an understanding of internet safety and responsible use. Once pupils/schools can evidence those experiences perhaps we can then move towards a relaxation of filtering rules, and once that is in place maybe, just maybe, we can move forward.
In terms of National Support/Development, it would be encouraging to have people who have not only demonstrated innovation ( and by that I mean curricular not ICT) at class level, but have influenced significant developments across a whole school. Surely that's not too much to ask given that an individual school is not such a big organisation compared to a LA?
David McKee said
at 9:19 am on Sep 22, 2011
This is an interesting one. I was told by someone from SQA I think that ICT Across Learning WAS originally in CfE as the 4th cross-cutting theme, but was removed "at the 11th hour for political reasons". I suspect those political reasons were fears that it would create a need for significantly improved ICT provision in schools, which I guess was deemed to be impossible to achieve and therefore too politically sensitive. I agree that it should be elevated (back) to the same status as numeracy, literacy and HWB.
dave terron said
at 10:30 pm on Sep 20, 2011
The culture within Local Authorities where IT leaders control the IT network, access and budgets has to change. All need to have knowledge of the pedology and the educational benefits of sites, software etc. Training for all staff within schools must be priority. There are many teachers I know willing to use these tools but aren't trained or encouraged to do so. We need the focus to be on the classroom (Prim/Sec) rather than on the IT bod in Council HQ worrying about his wee empire.As always Maggie I hits the proverbial nail. In short, get out of the way and let the teachers teach using the tools they need to help their students gain the skills they need for the not yet invented jobs.
nmgibb said
at 8:39 am on Sep 21, 2011
Easy to see how this partisan attitude can cause or perpetuate tensions between schools and IT departments in LAs. Your own experiences may not be universal.
dave terron said
at 8:30 pm on Sep 21, 2011
We have asked time and again for help. Training is limited to SmartBoards. We have had to hold in house sessions to show off twitter wikis etc. The "partisan attitude" is a result of five years struggle to get LA on board. If you think it's not universal how lucky are you 8-) Hop onto twitter and see how many other areas make life awkward for their teachers and not just with web filtering either.
So many sites blocked INCLUDING the LA's OWN wikis etc. Does that not give you an idea of the stuff we have to overcome? They set up wikis and never update them. They set up blogs and they haven't been touched for four years in some cases 8-( They are told of mistakes or bad links including one to a convicted paedophiles site and take a year to action. There are so many other things going wrong that a group of us have been asked to brief the county wide group/all HTs on the problems.
As I said, we are willing but we are not being allowed to even trial sites to see if they actually help attainment etc. IF they don't we'll dump them but we need to try first.
nmgibb said
at 9:07 am on Sep 22, 2011
I sympathise. Your experience is very different from the Education/IT relationship in this Authority. On the subject of filtering I suggested at a meeting of Authorities in Glasgow earlier this year that LTS, as they then were, assume responsibility for schools filtering for the nation and in this way present an even playing field to schools across the country. Until this happens individual Authorities will apply their local policies and pupils and staff will inevitably have different experiences. In the same way that SEEMIS is introducing a device into LAs, I am sure it is not beyond the wit of ES to introduce a device into Authorities that would provide a uniform level of Internet access across the country. They have previous for this with their caching servers, which were introduced at great expense (£6m if memory serves) and zero benefit to some Authorities.
Douglas Chappelle said
at 11:02 pm on Sep 20, 2011
Is more training really the answer? There hasn't been a shortage of training over the years I've been working in education. The problem is it hasn't made much difference.
I think it's a safe bet that the majority of people commenting here didn't get their skills from sitting in twilight sessions. They developed their skills through a mindset that led them to investigate new ways of doing things rather than waiting to be shown. It's this culture we need to change - we need to encourage more teachers to be self starters.
dave terron said
at 8:41 pm on Sep 21, 2011
No CPD in four years, only allowed £85 last year which didn't even cover cost of a marking workshop. In house IT training by enthusiastic volunteers. But these volunteers are also running classes etc and simply don't have time (or get cover) to train more staff.
Yes, more self starters would be great but there is a feeling that perhaps some basic training to make people more confident would help first. Some can't see point if we don't get to use tools that might help but are blocked and others are so frustrated with GLOW and its multiple clicks to do anything that they admit defeat before they really get into it. Hopefully GLOW will sort a few of these things so that teachers can get into it more easily which will improve confidence and usage. recent improvements and facilities within GLOW and so on have helped a lot but we can't just rely on the IT fanatics within each school.
Jaye Richards-Hill said
at 1:52 pm on Sep 22, 2011
There has been shortage of the right training though Douglas. By this, I mean training which is what teachers want rather than that 'done' to them by local education authorities. The success of Teachmeet points us in the direction we need to go with technology. Give teachers time to get together in communities of practice , give them the hardware and systems which work, and let them develop skills by working together. It's a time factor. The LA I worked for loved their centrally provided GLOW courses, but they were actually not that good at all. Taking place after the school day was also the wrong approach. We need to invest in giving teachers time out to work with colleagues to develop their skills and practice. In my view, it's is a sure fire way to encourage this self starter mentality you describe...
Jaye Richards-Hill said
at 1:56 pm on Sep 22, 2011
Again, it's the dosh, isn't it ? Whilst doing more with less remains the mantra, we will struggle to take anything but small steps forward. There are plenty of savings to be had both locally and nationally which could give teachers the time investment they need. Mergers, shared services, less money at the centre (quangos) and more shifted to the frontline would be a start.
Neil Winton said
at 10:35 pm on Sep 27, 2011
Thought I'd share this as an example of the problems associated with ICT use as it is currently practiced.
I have heard from a very reliable source of a LA that no longer allows access to wordpress/wikispaces/blogger/etc because now that GlowBlogs and GlowWikis are available, there is no need to access the millions of existing blogs and wikis. Schools can make their own...
To put that in context, it's like taking all the existing books out of a library, giving the classes pens and paper, and telling them to write their own books.
Sadly, this is a true story... :-(
Alison Taylor said
at 1:37 pm on Oct 4, 2011
Promote a culture of using ICT whenever it can be and is helpful. Let pupils take laptops, netbooks and ipads etc to school as well as paper and pens.
Sharon Breakwell said
at 2:47 pm on Oct 4, 2011
Sharon Breakwell said
at 2:51 pm on Oct 4, 2011
So many times ICT is treated as a bit of an extra or even as "cheating" somehow, yet for many of the children I work with it is the only way they can access the curriculum. We need to see IT as a routine part of classroom activity, not as a tool for making a neat copy or a golden time activity. Let the children access their learning in the way that is right for them.
Forbes Smith said
at 2:31 pm on Oct 5, 2011
Totally agree with sandra's comments of 20th Sept. I work in ASN & without access to IT, some pupils cannot function on a par with majority of other pupils. Use of ICT should become the norm, not an add on. Cost, as ever, remains a big issue.
Bruce Robertson said
at 11:46 am on Oct 6, 2011
The key to this objective will be the leadership that we collectively give to the use of ICT in learning. Why is it that so many of our pupils only have e-learning experiences at home? ICT must be seen by teachers and educators as a key component in their delivery of CfE. We could spend £millions but without the culture change througout the system, we will not maximise the opportunities this gives us.
Iain Hallahan said
at 4:54 pm on Oct 6, 2011
I have to agree. Filtering is a huge issue, and a lottery at that. I have a nice screenshot from an authority I used to work in with the charming message that "The category "Educational Institutes" is blocked." In another authority, my pupils couldn't get onto the authority's own Pupil homepage.
So what if you want to open up a blocked site? Fill in the online request form. You might get lucky and get the site unblocked - maybe even tomorrow. Or you might not. Your request may be declined. More likely howeve=r is that you will never hear about it again.You could also keep resubmitting requests, but this could end up getting you a 'bad reputation' among the IT support people - and we all know how that can end
There is an associated issue with this too - who is best placed to decide if a web-based resource is suitable for teaching or not? A teacher who has come up with a way to use it, or an IT support technician/manager who whilst very skilled in their field may never have done a days teaching in their life? I bet the IT guys in the NHS don't pick what medicine the doctors are allowed to give out. Is it surprising to hear that I would be in favour of a national filtering system? At least then it's a level playing field.
Iain Hallahan said
at 5:01 pm on Oct 6, 2011
On a different note. the culture should be about bringing everyone together rather than keeping people apart. This should include schools(state & independent), colleges, universities, parents, teachers, other staff, 'community learning partners', nurseries, etc, etc. Tools are less important here than changing a mindset. Communication, co-operation, collaboration - 'togetherness' - should be encouraged at all levels. Leading figures in education or even industry should not be excluded from the community just because they don't/no longer teach at a school. Do they have something of value to say? Can they help pupils to learn? That should be the marker for who can be part of the community. The focus really needs to shift to the learning & teaching.
Nick Hood said
at 11:24 pm on Oct 6, 2011
I came into teaching in 2004 from 25 years in IT: my experience in using the web, technologies and media was a powerful tool which I used in support of children in and out of the classroom. I have spoken at a number of public events (including the SLF) on this, in particular the aspect of engaging with pupils on their own terms to extend the trusted relationship between teacher and pupil to new levels. As of six months ago, my websites, blogs, wikis and social media networks were used by many people, not just my own students during their time in my classroom and afterwards.
My skills in this area gave me confidence to operate these facilities for my pupils and colleagues to support development of truly effective and life-changing resources and techniques. Unfortunately, this confidence was seen by others as arrogance beyond my station in the school hierarchy. Since May, I have been defending myself against allegations which, although they varied from time to time, amounted to the use of inappropriate language in (socia media) contexts considered to be in breach of my contract and the GTCS code of professional conduct. Whilst it remains my firm belief, supported by legal opinion, that I have not been in breach of my contract or the GTCS code (and this may yet be tested at law), sanctions have been applied which resulted in a final written warning: I immediately shut down all of the services, sites and networks. The risk of further sanctions being applied is simply too much for me to take.
Until there is a culture of trust and an acceptance (by, for example, head teachers) that classroom teachers may bring authority and world-class expertise in technical and other areas to education, I cannot see how we can free the innovation and creativity needed to make effective use of the web, social networks and new media in Scottish Education.
I post this at risk of losing my job. I do so because it is relevant to the debate - it is the right thing to do.
Stephen Bullock said
at 10:24 am on Oct 7, 2011
On the debate around filtering - whether local or national.
Adding any form of gate keeper by definition causes a bottle neck for resources and tools, and I think we can all agree that the online environment transforms itself constantly. For a gatekeeper to say for example YouTube is safe (or is not) may be undermined the very next day by changes to their content policy, or simply by the way users populate it.
I have always been outspoken about the need for schools to have open access to resources online and used YouTube as my example. However recently I have, in my personal use of the site, noticed far more questionable content and even advertisements appearing. I realised that the sands shift so quickly that an accountable policing of access to areas of the public web is untenable.
I believe that the only solution is to teach responsible use to pupils and make the end user the filter. That way the filter is ultra-responsive, moment by moment, rather than waiting for a national body or an individual with fears for their own job security to make key decisions in what resources they can or cannot access. This also prepares pupils for the real world of work and home life.
As many comments have identified - public and press perception of this is make or break and where the battle will actually take place. The culture of trust will have to extend well beyond Education.
martyn said
at 11:26 am on Oct 7, 2011
Tracking the areas covered by the discussion so far I've not picked up much on the use and potential of ICT to support assessment. I'll declare an interest straight away as this is my area of work at the SQA.
We've been active in this area for a while now and believe we're making some really positive progress working with our centres and other agencies. Many of the points that have been made about use of ICT for education generally apply to its use for assessment too. The key specific point for assessment is that in the interests of fairness and validity, if learners do and will increasingly learn using ICT, then the way they are assessed needs to reflect this too.
Beyond this, our own work and that of others in this area indicates that use of ICT can bring a range of benefits including making assessment more flexible and engaging learners in a way that conventional modes of assessment don't. It can also allow us to assess things that we really value but haven't been able to assess up to now. We have developed an approach to assessment of group work using a wiki and blog, for example, that is now in its third year of use for a qualification in the care area. There's more information on this and all of our e-assessment work at www.sqa.org.uk/eassessment.
Whilst it's well understood that assessment shouldn't lead learning, there is also a well recognised backwash effect between assessment and classroom practice. One opportunity may be for us to capture this so that increasing use of ICT for assessment is seen to support those who already use it for teaching and learning and encourages those who don't.
Robert Sim said
at 8:24 pm on Oct 7, 2011
Martyn's comment above has a wider relevance to this area. If you want colleagues at all levels fully to embrace ICT in education, it is necessary to make its use almost the default position. And if you want those in management to embrace it fully, you have to make it the default position for the parts of the system which are critical or a statutory obligation. And that applies in spades to SQA-related matters.
The classic example here from a related area is the way in which the government's decision a decade or so ago to lauch the ScotXed system drove every EA swiftly to embrace an electronic MIS - and now practically everyone is using one system: SEEMIS. A crippling problem that has bedevilled the implementation of Glow has been the fact that it has been optional and brought in in a very 'softly-softly' way. If we are serious about Glow, let's not make it optional. Let's build it intextricably into the system in all sorts of ways, including for assessment. If there are teething problems, well so be it. That was the way it was in the early days of ScotXed and now that works very smoothly and all sorts of major policy decisions depend on it! If we leave all the development to be bottom-up and teacher-led, we will still be grumbling about the same issues in another decade. 'Build it and they will come' has its limitations as a strategy!
dave terron said
at 9:14 pm on Oct 7, 2011
I try my best to use all sorts of things to engage the challenging kids -I have a blog post in this week's Scottish Book Trust with the full version in pedagoo.co.uk. I am particularly keen to use these things because I'm deaf, lame and according to my students 'a legend' but a bit mad.... 8-) I'm keen to hear what people really think because I honestly feel the biggest problem is the fractured way each authority approaches things like web site filtering and supporting their staff/students. Some are great (take a bow East Lothian!) others..sch as Dundee who allow mobiles or Aberdeenshire who allow wifi access in school to students phones/laptops. Others are too Stalinist and throw up the walls or refuse to consider the educational benefits of sites preferring to 'be safe above all else'. I really hope that we can help persuade MR and his merry gang to push for a NATIONAL approach rather than individual councils being allowed to do their own thing which in some cases is often not the right thing for staff and students.
Richard Nealsson said
at 5:05 pm on Oct 8, 2011
I’ve recorded an audioboo as a contribution to the consultation on the use of ICT in education taking place currently. In it, I suggest that children are not the experts in the use of technology and that as teachers, we should be able to become sufficiently digitally literate to enable its effective use in support of our teaching practice, grounded as it should be in the pedagogy and theories of education. Read more at http://nealsson.net or access the audioboo here: http://audioboo.fm/boos/498095-using-social-media-in-education
Kathleen Johnston said
at 1:37 pm on Oct 10, 2011
I have seen schools rich with resources- hardware and skills support, yet technology is still regarded as an add on, a 'must do'. Technology should be regarded as a tool to use as and when needed- in meaningful contexts.
In addition to a basic set of resources, there should be an ethos of 'how can we...?' , instead of 'we can't because...' . We teach our children to persevere and to be innovative - we should also model these skills, and not be afraid to try.
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